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Celebrate & Be Thankful!

Lisa Sosnowski

This year has not been an easy one, but it has given us plenty of time to reflect on what we should be thankful for. Sometimes the waiting is really the hardest part. Waiting has taught us to be present and to remember our past, to learn to slow down and rearrange our lives to focus and prioritize what is most important, and most of all to celebrate the small stuff. It is like being an impatient caterpillar waiting to burst out of its chrysalis. Take this time to rest and reflect. As my wise great grandmother said to me once "Don't get to happy when things are good and don't get too sad when things are bad, because the one thing you can be sure of is that things always change". I sincerely believe this is why she lived until she was 96, because she did not sweat the small stuff and even with the big stuff she knew deep down that it was a time of transformation. So this Thanksgiving we reflect and celebrate the small stuff.

Today is a special day to us here at Spectrum Tech Trade School, Village, and Training Center. It was exactly one year ago on November 26, 2019 that we officially incorporated as a nonprofit. This year has sure been one of transformation and reflection. We are Thankful that we are still here and ready to fight back and build our dream of a Vocational School for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum on an organic farm. We are celebrating our milestone, and are happy to share it with you. We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving, a joyful holiday season, and a new year full of possibilities. #thanksgiving #thankful #celebrate #dreamscometrue #keepdreaming #keepfighting #abettertomorrow #bethankful #autismeducation #spectrumtechtradeschool #milestone #anniversary #incorporation #monmouthcounty #nj #trades #vocations #joinus #together #givingtuesday #togetherwearestronger #togetherwecan #togetherwerise #believe #hope #possibilities #infinite #potential #anniversary #oneyearanniversary

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