This has been some journey, there have been some very high-highs and very low-lows. I am happy and grateful to announce this is a time for celebrating the exceptionally good in life, and I welcome and receive it. A time for celebrating how far we have come. Enjoy the journey and always remember what my great-grandmother told me. "Don't get too sad when things are bad or too happy when things are good, because you can be sure that life is full of changes." She was a very wise person who knew it was about the journey and that is why I believe she lived so long (until she was 96 years old).
Stephen's hard work is finally paying off for him. Utilizing a modern neurological approach through experiential learning and intensive support therapies has really been effective in Stephen being able to produce such quality work. (The reason I founded Spectrum Tech was so all autistic students and adults have the same opportunities no matter what their financial circumstances) He constantly amazes me and makes me very proud to be his mother. I have been humbled and taught patience, fortitude, and unconditional love along the way. I would not change a thing, this journey has empowered me to be a better person, a better advocate, and to appreciate every single day. I truly am grateful to the creators at Re-Route Magazine for a beautifully written article that captured the essence of Stephen's amazing talent and perseverance to succeed against all odds. I am blessed, I am abundantly grateful, I am embracing the joy, and I welcome in all the good that life has to offer.
Click here for the article. Capturing Beauty Beyond Words: Stephen Sosnowski (alorafarm.org)
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