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Take Our $10 Challenge & Help Us Buy Our Land

Lisa Sosnowski

You might know the current autism rates as 1 in 36 children, but did you know that data is from children born in 2012? Most people do not realize (as I did not) that 80% of autistic women are diagnosed after 18-years-old and never make it into these statistics. Knowing this, the fact that Dr. Stephanie Seneff predicted that 50% of the children born in the year 2025 will receive an autism diagnosis does not seem far off. We also know that 90% of autistic adults are unemployed or underemployed. Using these statistics, we can deduce that in the year 2043 out of individuals able to enter the work force, over 40% will be unemployed or underemployed. How will our country remain competitive with those rates? This is a situation that will affect us all.

Our current Autism Services System has resulted in the following statistics: 90% of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities are Sexually Abused or Assaulted (according to US Dept of Justice Stats) 60% of autistic adults have reported PTSD like symptoms 2/3rds of autistics have been bullied Autistics have three-times the suicide rate as their neurotypical peers 9 out of 10 autistic women are victims of sexual violence We need to do better. A quote that is famously (but inaccurately) attributed to Albert Einstein is "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result" We need to do something different. An innovative all-encompassing solution to rectify this looming crisis. That Solution is Spectrum Tech Trade School, Village, and Training Center.

We are the Future of Autism Education, Job Training, Employment, Housing, and Community Across the Lifespan. Through a cross-sector collaborative network of agricultural innovation centers located on organic farms we provide the foundation and heart of our vocational schools and job training programs while providing employment opportunities, housing, and recreation for autistic individuals. With online training, support groups, and respite programs we provide needed caregiver resources. A community that comes together and supports one another provides needed marketable skills, wealth building opportunities, and sustainability that benefits the greater society as a whole.

We have identified a property where the owner supports our cause and is willing to work with us, but we need your help. The question is will you donate $10, a little more than a cup of coffee to help us buy our land and build our foundation, becoming part of the solution? Sharing our mission, we can collectively support one another and avoid this crisis for all our children.

Policies can change in Washington, but we are a country "For the People, By the People", which means we need to rebuild together. The time is now. Are you up to the challenge?

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